Erbaluce di Caluso “Ypa”


This wine is the fruit of our research. Sapidity and smoothness in mouth, come in the right balance, to maintain the characteristics of the grape variety but enriching it with personality. The elegant freshness given by the important acidity of Erbaluce grapes, make “Ypa” perfect for lunches and dinners where the pleasures of the table have no end.
It matches meat and fish in equal measure, it delights with fried foods. In important aperitifs it presents itsel with pleasant authority.

This wine made by our best “cru” is dedicated to the Celtic Queen “YPA”,

sovereign of our lands.

Wine variety: dry white wine

Grape variety: 100% Erbaluce di Caluso

Alcohol: 12°-13°

Rating: D.O.C.G / D.O.P. (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita/Protetta)

Technical notes (PDF download)

Ground: Morainic origins. Made of glacial sand with subordinated clay horizons containing nutrients, together with the presence of cobble-stones responsible for regulating soil temperatures throughout the year.
Grapevine: The native vine is called Erbaluce. (lit.trad. Herb of Light). It is grown on arbor called “pergola canavesana”.

In the vineyards:

Dry and green pruning, ligature and grape harvest are done manually.

Processing: The grapes for the production of this fine and precious wine come from the “cru” vineyards better exposed to the sun. After a gentle pressing, the grape must is inoculated with selected yeasts and taken to fermentation at a controlled temperature. It stays on the yeasts for a long period in order to bring out the typical aromas and flavors of this native grapevine.

Colour:: Light yellow.

Fragrance: Winey, delicate and fine, an elegant expression of herbaceous aromas typical of these grapes.

Palate: dry, fresh, fruity, very characteristic

How to serve: in medium size glasses, opening at the moment, 10-12 degree Celsius.

Best food matches and cuisine: appetizers, entrèes, fish, seafood, white meat and cold dishes

Storage:. In a cool environment with constant temperatures not higher than 18-20 °C (66° F). A long lived wine, it maintains fragrance and freshness for years,